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  WNC-MOAA : Western North Carolina Chapter MOAA Legislative Affairs: What your Chapter is doing to support YOU

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Notes from Legislative Affairs Meeting, 7 April 2020

Currently the committee is comprised of Robert Padgett and Vivianne Wersel. and both will be in close contact with the MOAA state legislative chair, Iggy (Ihor) Husar. Michael will focus on State issues while Vivianne will lead with Federal issues. Both will support each other as needed.

Discussed as per directed by MOAA National Government Relations, legislative priorities during COVID-19 times will focus on issues negatively impacting active military, retirees and their families to include asking congress to halt downsizing of military treatment facilities, halt closing of clinics, and to waive Express scripts fees.

Michael is gathering a database, with contact information, of our state representatives that pertain to our WNC chapter. At this time waiting to hear from Iggy for the state priorities recommended during COVID-19 times.

Vivianne discussed plans for education of members, and will provide instructions how to communicate with their elected officials using a helpful dialog to guide them. She will provide these step by step instructions via the WNC MOAA Web. The goal is to to reach out to members for legislative updates as well as inform them on how they can get involved via WNC MOAA web and National MOAA web or phone call. Will educate members how to use “Take Action” via the MOAA web.

Posted 04/13/20 01:48:14 by Anon Under Business Permalink 1586742494