Take a tour of your website....
Welcome to the WNC-MOAA website at wnc-moaa.org. This is YOUR website, designed to serve and represent you. Your suggestions, ideas, and contributions are always welcomed as we continuously work to improve the site. Share your feedback by contacting the webmaster or sending photos to wncmoaawebmaster@gmail.com.
Website Features
Background and Logo: The homepage features a background image of the Smokies and the WNC-MOAA logo.
Notices Ticker: A scrolling ticker highlights important updates. Blue text indicates clickable links for more details.
Mobile-Friendly Design: The website is optimized for mobile devices, providing full functionality with a more compact layout.
The left-hand menu ("treeline") on the desktop site provides quick access to all sections of the website. On mobile, this is accessible via the page menu.
The "About Us" section offers an introduction to WNC-MOAA. "Pages" lists website sections, and "Contact Us" provides an email form to reach the President and Secretary.
Protected Content: A small gear icon at the top right provides access to password-protected areas for future secured content.
President’s Message: The homepage includes updates and messages from the WNC-MOAA President.
Photo Slideshow: A rotating slideshow features scenic images and chapter highlights. Click on a picture to see an enlarged version and its description. Submit your photos of Western NC by emailing them to wncmoaawebmaster@gmail.com, along with a brief description and photo credit.
Additional Sections
Menu Items: Explore sections such as About Us, FAQs, Legislative Affairs, COVID-19 Info, and Chapter Satellites. These sections are updated regularly to include new and relevant content.
Photo Album: A dedicated section showcases photos submitted by members. Contribute by sending your pictures to the webmaster with a short description.
Take time to explore the website and its features. This is your platform—let us know how we can make it even better!